Increase Your Chances of Getting into Nursing School
Each blog post is dated and contains accurate information as of that date. Certain information may have changed since the blog post publication date. If you would like to confirm the current accuracy of blog information, please visit our ABSN track overview page or contact admissions at 844.347.2108.

You want to become a nurse, and if you have a non-nursing bachelor’s degree, you may be seeking a nursing program that provides a thorough, accelerated education so you can become a nurse sooner. Especially if you have already spent four years on a previous degree, the prospect of entering a rewarding career more quickly can be very exciting.
Mercer University’s Second Degree Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN) track could be the right pathway for you to earn your nursing degree sooner. This Atlanta, Georgia-based accelerated nursing program prepares students to graduate practice-ready in as few as 12 months.
However, getting into nursing school — especially a top-tier program like Mercer’s Accelerated BSN track — is not always easy. There is a good reason for this: becoming a nurse requires hard work and dedication, and nursing schools want to ensure they admit students who are committed.
Today, we will discuss what you can do before, during, and after your initial admissions conversation to increase your chances of getting into nursing school. In doing so, you will gain a better understanding of Mercer’s ABSN admissions process and how to apply to the ABSN track.
1. Prepare for Your Nursing School Admissions Interview
Before you formally apply for Mercer’s Accelerated BSN track in Atlanta, complete any outstanding prerequisite courses, or speak with an enrollment counselor, it is helpful to prepare. That way, when you meet with an enrollment counselor, you present your best self.
Know Why You Want to Be a Nurse
Think of your first admissions call as similar to a job interview. Just as a job applicant should be prepared to express why he or she is the right candidate for the job, you should be able to share why you want to be a nurse and why you are a good fit for Mercer’s ABSN track. Communicating the passion you have for nursing can demonstrate you are committed to nursing school.

Write Down Any Questions You Have
Asking thoughtful questions is another way to illustrate your dedication to the journey ahead. As you prepare for your call, write down any questions you may have. Some of the questions you might want to ask include:
- How does Mercer’s ABSN track work?
- What are the prerequisite requirements, and how do they apply to my academic history?
- What does Mercer’s ABSN track cost?
- What are the advantages of earning an Accelerated BSN?
- How soon can I start?
Obtain Your Unofficial School Transcripts
While it is not required that you have your unofficial school transcripts for your initial admissions call, obtaining them in advance can help expedite the process. Not only will you be able to speak toward your GPA and course history, but also answering your first call with transcripts in hand shows you are organized and driven.
2. Be Honest and Work with Your Admissions Counselor
Speaking with an enrollment counselor is the first step toward enrolling in Mercer’s accelerated nursing track. During this introductory call, your enrollment counselor will ask you why you want to become a nurse and what made you choose Mercer’s Accelerated BSN track. They will also want to learn about your previous academic studies, schedule and availability, and nursing school goals.
During the call, you should…
Listen Carefully and Take Good Notes
Your enrollment counselor will follow up with the key takeaways of your call, but taking detailed notes of any next steps, additional questions, program requirements, and important dates can ensure you have all the information you’ll need at your fingertips. Getting in the habit of taking thorough notes will also benefit you in school and your daily work as a nurse. To get the most out of your call, choose a time and place free of distractions so that your counselor has your undivided attention.
Be Honest and Upfront About Any Issues of Concern
While it is important to put your best foot forward during your initial discussion with an enrollment counselor, Mercer is committed to your success both in the classroom and beyond. If there are academic areas that may be challenging or areas in your academic history you may wish to discuss, be sure to mention that to your enrollment counselor. This way your enrollment counselor can help map out your personalized pathway to success. Not to mention, it could save you a lot of time in the end. Remember that they are committed to helping you achieve your dream of becoming a registered nurse.

3. Create and Follow Through on Your Academic Plan
Following your first conversation with an enrollment counselor, you will be asked to submit your unofficial college transcripts. Your enrollment counselor will then work with you to develop an individualized academic plan during a follow-up conversation. This plan may include fulfilling outstanding prerequisite courses, or retaking a science course completed more than five years ago, among other requirements. Once you have an academic plan, your enrollment counselor will assist with establishing a target application date and entry term for Mercer’s ABSN track.
Prepare to Take the TEAS
Taking next steps to progress in the application process includes completing your academic plan, completing any prerequisites you’re enrolled in with a 3.0 GPA or higher, taking the Test of Essential Academic Skills or TEAS, and earn a minimum composite score of 76 or higher. With the right preparation and study plan, you can succeed on the TEAS. See our TEAS test tips, and make sure you’re ready. These elements together can increase your chances of getting into nursing school.
Write a Compelling Admissions Essay
One of the final steps in the application process is submitting your resume and admissions essay. Your essay should clearly demonstrate your passion for the field of nursing and commitment to Mercer’s core values including Christian caring, compassion, and social responsibility.
Before submitting your resume and essay, have someone — preferably with a knack for grammar and an eye for detail — read over them. Make clear to him or her that you are seeking honest, constructive feedback. After all, your resume and essay reflect the effort you will put into your nursing school studies.
Do You Have What It Takes to Be a Mercer Nurse?
If you already have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university, it may be possible to earn your nursing degree in as few as 12 months with Mercer University’s Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing track. Following the previous points in this post will help to increase your chances of getting into nursing school.
Call us at 844.347.2108, or fill out the form, to learn more about this Atlanta-based second degree accelerated nursing program.