Online Accelerated Nursing Coursework

Our Second Degree Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN) track takes a blended approach toward learning, with online coursework preparing you for hands-on labs and clinical rotations in the Atlanta metropolitan area. When you graduate in as few as 12 months, you’ll leave every bit as prepared for a career in nursing as students in a traditional ground track.

Another mistake would be thinking that our online-based curriculum means you’ll have less contact with your instructors than with a campus-based nursing education. Our faculty is readily available to help you in any way they can, whether that means discussing questions you have via phone, text or email, or meeting up in person to go over concepts.

Whether you’re a morning person or a night owl, you can “attend class” and complete online assignments when and where it’s convenient for you. (However, keep in mind your assignments must be completed by the due date.)

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Of course, convenience isn’t the only benefit of online learning. We all learn differently. That’s why we designed our online coursework to accommodate various learning styles:

Tips for Succeeding in an Online Environment

While many students have taken some online classes, others are new to e-learning. To ensure your success, here are a few success tips:

  • Develop a routine. Online coursework offers many conveniences, but it also requires self-discipline. If waiting until the last minute to do things is your M.O., consider scheduling out your week, including when you’ll study, do online coursework, etc., and stick to it.
  • Get organized. You’re going to have a lot to remember in nursing school. Take notes and keep them well organized. Keep a calendar (and consider a backup) of all assignment deadlines, labs, tests, etc.
  • Don’t wait for tests to study. One of the greatest benefits of online learning is that it allows you to go back and revisit content at any time during the ABSN track. Take advantage of this by going back through videos, exercises, and activities, especially those you know you struggle with. And make the review a weekly activity. That way the information stays fresh in your mind, because you will need it later.
  • Build a rapport with your instructors. Mercer nursing instructors are highly accessible and committed to helping you succeed. Get to know them and don’t be afraid to ask them for help when you have questions.
  • Get to know your cohort. Your colleagues are a great asset. Throughout the ABSN track, you’ll come to rely on each other. You might even consider getting together each week to study, review and talk over nursing concepts.
Mercer ABSN student sitting at desk smiling


Is the ABSN track 100% online?

No. While there are many aspects of nursing you can learn via online coursework (for example, nursing theory), nursing is a hands-on field. Our ABSN track blends the flexibility of online learning with hands-on skills and simulation labs designed to prepare you for your clinical rotations and, eventually, your first day on the job.

Does online-based coursework have more flexible due dates?

Online-based Mercer ABSN track assignments do not have more flexible due dates than traditional on-campus BSN program assignments would. Because of the accelerated nature of the track, Mercer ABSN students will need to complete and turn in assignments on a regular basis via our e-learning platform.

Is the quality of online learning comparable to a traditional classroom experience?

Yes. Students who participate in our ABSN track will receive a top-quality nursing education, with all of the necessary skills and knowledge to earn their BSN degree and enter the field as a licensed practicing nurse.

Contact us today to learn more about how Mercer ABSN blends online accelerated nursing coursework with hands-on labs and clinicals to prepare you for a successful career in nursing.